Train Hard and Train Smart with Henry Adell

Train Hard and Train Smart

with Henry Adell 
a Bent On Better session


Train Hard and Train Smart with Henry Adell Musclemania Federation Professional Natural Body Builder. WBFF, IFBB, Musclemania

“Train hard, train smart.”

-Henry Adell

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In episode 014 of the Bent On Better podcast, where better means becoming the best you in health, fitness, and overall wellness, my guest is Henry Adell. Henry says you must train hard and train smart in order to progress.

Henry is a professional heavy weight, natural body builder who has been the head of the training department of Anytime Fitness in Milwalkee, WI for eight years. In addition to his work experience, Henry has a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology.

 This man definitely knows a bit of something about the human body and muscles.  Henry breaks all of the rules for what the human body should be able to do and he does it all, naturally. Which is why Henry Adell is a guest on the Bent On Better podcast.

 Henry is truly Bent On Better.

Some take-away points we discuss in this episode:

1. If you don’t know what you’re doing, if you don’t have plan, you’re not training smart.

2. Keys to changing your body composition:

a. Understand your basal metabolic rate.

b. Understand you macronutrient intake.

c. Avoid simple sugars when you can.

d. Eat more healthy, organic, non-GMO foods.

3. Figure out what your problems are in order to figure out your solutions.

Henry’s final thought, “Never stop. You will be surrounded by negativity, you will be surrounded by people who do not believe in you, you will be surrounded by people who think you are a fool for trying to do what you’re trying to do.  Tunnel vision… Get what you want in this life.”

Resources mentioned on the show:

Henry’s favorite artist, album:

 World Beauty Fitness & Fashion (WBFF)

International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBB)


Henry on Instagram | Henry on Facebook

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Have some feedback you’d like to share? Interested in a topic we covered in this session? Leave a comment in the section below. 

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Huge thanks to my guest, Musclemania professional body builder Henry Adell, for joining me this week for another great episode. I’m excited for the next one. But until next time, remember, even though you may be content with your current situation, there is always room to be better.  Now it’s time to become the best you.