Possibility Thinking with John C. Maxwell

Possibility Thinking 

with John Maxwell (sort of)Possibility Thinking with John C. Maxwell Possible, Improve, Positive, Positivity, Productive

“Nothing issue embarrassing as watching someone do something that you said couldn’t be done.”
–Sam Ewing




Although I wish I could actually chat about possibility thinking with John C. Maxwell on my podcast, I will just have to settle for a short excerpt from his book.  Today’s Wellness Wednesday podcast on the Bent On Better podcast features an excerpt and points discussed in the book titled How Successful People Think by BusinessWeek and New York Times bestselling author John C. Maxwell.  

In this book, John C. Maxwell reveals eleven essentials for thinking like a success.

In this podcast, I will briefly explore the seven reasons why you should become a possibility thinker. 

1. Possibility Thinking Increases  Your Possibilities

2. Possibility Thinking Draws Opportunities and People to You

3. Possibility ThinkingIncreases Others’ Possibilities

4. Possibility Thinking Allows You to Dream Big Dreams

5. Possibility Thinking Makes It Possible to Rise Above Average

6. Possibility Thinking Gives You Energy

7. Possibility Thinking Keeps You from Giving Up

You can read more about this book and purchase it by clicking the link below.



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