High Intensity Interval Training with Austen Gravett
High Intensity Interval Training
with Austen Gravett of Gravfitt
a Bent On Better series
Episode 016

“Believe in yourself, you are the dictator of your success.”
In episode 016 of the Bent On Better podcast, where better means becoming the best you in health, fitness, and overall wellness, I chat about pushing through in high intensity interval training with Austen Gravett.
Austen is a 23 year old personal trainer & online fitness coach, fitness model, and entrepreneur. He is also the creator of GravFitt, his personal branded fitness website that offers personalized meal and fitness plans, motivational advice, and training tips.
Austen believes that if you have a dream in life you must go out there and make it happen because anything is possible.
Austen is truly Bent On Better.
Some take-away points we discuss in this episode:
1. H.I.I.T. is High Intensity Interval Training / I.T. is Interval training
2. You’re not going to get to your ultimate dream on the first try. You must continue through the struggles.
3. Write down your goal(s).
4. Your maximum heart rate is 220- your age= max heart rate.
Austen’s final thought, “whatever situation you’re in now, it will always get better…there is always room for improvement…if you have a dream or a goal, just pursue it.”
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Resources mentioned on the show:
Gravfitt on Facebook | Austen on Twitter | Email Austen
Austen on Instagram | Austin on YouTube
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Huge thanks to my guest, Austen Gravett of Gravfitt.com, for joining me this week for another great episode. I’m excited for the next one. But until next time, remember, even though you may be content with your current situation, there is always room to be better. Now it’s time to become the best you.