Most Effective Way To Warm- Up
Most Effective Way
To Warm Up
Another Wellness Wednesday Bent On Better session
Hey there!
If you cannot already tell, this post is all about the most effective way to warm up. Today’s Wellness Wednesday session is brought to you by the new feature at Bent On Better, the SpeakPipe plugin. Not sure what I’m referring to? That’s ok, you can read more about it, here.
Today’s Wellness Wednesday session is from a question submitted by Matt Arters.
Matt asks: If I only have a 20 minute time period, what is the best way to warm-up and cool-down without giving up too much of the main workout?
Matt, that’s a great question, my friend!
According to the American College of Sports Medicine, an appropriate warm-up and cool-down period, which would include flexibility exercises, is recommended. The important factor is to develop a program for yourself to provide the proper amount of physical activity to attain maximal benefit at the lowest risk. Emphasis should be placed on factors that result in permanent lifestyle change and encourage a lifetime of physical activity.
Personally, if I know I only have 20 minutes to workout and I do not want to sacrifice my workout time, I make sure I focus on at least the warm-up. Not that the cool-down isn’t important, the warm-up is just more beneficial if you do not want to sacrifice workout time. I recommend doing a short but full body dynamic warm-up to allow your body’s core temperature to rise and your target muscles groups to be awakened with solid blood flow.
You may want to take a look at this short study done by the Australian Journal of Physiotherapy for more reason to focus on warming up before exercise. The conclusion for the study found that warm-ups “[performed immediately prior to unaccustomed eccentric exercise produce small reductions in delayed-onset muscle soreness…]”
I typically use my evening time to stretch or do my cool-down from my daily routine to keep my overall wellness in check.
Looking for a full body workout you can get done in 20 minutes, including the warm-up?
I wrote this one up just for you!
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