Developing A Mindset Of Gratitude with Eric Slaugh

Developing A Mindset Of Gratitude

with Eric Slaugh

a Bent On Better series
Episode 007


007 - Developing A Mindset Of Gratitude with Eric Slaugh - Bent On Better podcast with Matt April


“If you want the final product, you have to want the process to get there.”
-Eric Slaugh

In episode 007 of the Bent on Better podcast, where better means becoming the best youin health, fitness, and overall wellness, my guest is Eric Slaugh. In this episode we discuss developing a mindset of gratitude.

Eric grew up in West Chester, Pennsylvania and currently lives in Provo, Utah where he is studying advertising, business management and computer science at BYU. Eric also has a passion for music and has played in several rock bands growing up, he is currently the front man for the band Coma Pilot.

Eric’s other focus is working as a certified personal trainer and is currently helping a collective of 40 people to improve their lives.

 Eric is truly Bent On Better.

Some take-away points we discuss in this episode:

1. Everything you’re doing is leading you to where you are going.

2. Move your focus from being on what we don’t have but rather on what we can give.

3. Any goal you set for yourself is accomplishable.

4.  Who you surround yourself with is who you will become.

 Eric’s final thought, “you can’t spread sunshine to others and keep it from yourself.”

Resources mentioned on the show:

Eric’s book recommendation: Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

Email Eric | Eric on Instagram | Coma Pilot on Instagram | Eric on Facebook

Thanks for joining me again this week, I’m glad you decided to come back. If you’re new to the blog, welcome! Visit my Start Here page to get the low down on this whole Bent On Better thing.

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Huge thanks to my guest, Eric Slaugh, for joining me this week for another great episode. I’m excited for the next one. But until next time, remember, even though you may be content with your current situation, there is always room to be better.  Now it’s time to become the best you.