Amazon Affiliate Bent On Better Free Amazon Prime Trial

 My most favorite place to shop in the world is in my own home. But how can I do that?

Easily, and quite conveniently, with Amazon. is the one-stop shop for practically everything and anything you could possibly need.

Now, there are some limitations at the moment: the company does not deliver fresh produce in all locations quite yet (although I have heard they are working on improving that, and you can read more about the company’s amazing AmazonFresh service here).

But I love Amazon all the same.
From great books, to protein supplements for on-the-go nutrition, to even kettlebells for home workouts, they have it all there. I am proud to say that Amazon has given me the opportunity to partner with them and offer my readers, listeners, and viewers a great opportunity to sign up for a risk-free, 30 day trial of their outstanding Amazon Prime program.

What is Amazon Prime?

With Amazon Prime you receive all the benefits of Amazon including FREE Two-Day Shipping for eligible purchases, unlimited streaming of movies and TV shows with Prime Instant Video, and the ability to borrow books from the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library for $99 a year.

The April household has been an avid Amazon Prime subscriber since 2008 and will continue to be an Amazon Prime member because we enjoy saving time and money by shopping on Amazon’s secure network and having our orders in hand in 2 days (or less sometimes!) for FREE. Not only that, but we also enjoy staying in and streaming a movie or show on Prime Instant Video. And, well… The company and customer service are top notch.

If you have any questions about how it all works or want to hear more about my experiences with Amazon Prime, feel free to email me at [email protected].