The Bent On Better 8 Week Program
I am truly humbled and inspired by the overwhelming response I had regarding my personalized 8 week program. I had so many applicants to choose from— college students, friends, acquaintances, strangers, parents of friends— that I decided I could not possibly choose the “best” candidates on my own. I resorted to assigning each applicant a number (in the order the emails came in) and plugged that range of numbers into’s random number generator. Those three numbers corresponded to the following applicants’ emails:
The three people are:
Natasha F.
Shannon P.
Brian S.
To know so many of you want to be better and want me to help you reach your goals is exactly why I am Bent On Better. I had no idea I would receive so many applications, so as a thank you, the individuals who applied but did not get picked get a special discounted offer if they wish to receive their own personalized program. Again, thank you to everyone who applied and congratulations to our winners. I am looking forward to embarking on this new chapter for Bent On Better and hope that I can start changing lives today.